

The copyright for published, of the Provider provided objects remains alone with the author of the sides. A duplication or a use of such diagrams, video sequences and texts in other electronic or printed publications is not permitted without express agreement of the author. First publication: April 2007 Due to a judgement of the regional court Hamburg of 12.05.98 (joint responsibility for contents of left sides) we refer to the following circumstances: As Web masters of this side we do not have influence on contents and on the organization of the sides and lower surfaces linked of us and we to make us their contents too not own. We dissociate ourselves hereby expressly from all contents of the sides linked by us!  

Site owner:

Birgit Popp & Aristidis Matthaiakis
70200 - Pitsidia - Post-Box: 83

AFM: 042317933

Heraklion, Crete


Tel .: 0030-28920-45308

Mobil: 0030-6972611133 (Birgit)

Mobil: 0030-6977607382 (Aristidis)  


Web design: HW-Designs